6 Reasons Why Small Boutique Hotels in Mauritius Are Taking Over The Travel Industry

Small boutique hotels in Mauritius have been gaining popularity in recent years, and for good reason. These unique and intimate accommodations offer a one-of-a-kind travel experience that larger chain hotels simply cannot match. Here are five reasons why small boutique hotels are taking over the travel industry:

1. Personalized service:

One of the biggest draws of small boutique hotels is the personalized service they provide. With fewer rooms to manage, the staff can focus on making each guest’s stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. This level of personalized attention can make a huge difference in the overall travel experience.

2. Unique experiences

One of the best things about travelling is discovering new things about yourself — whether it’s learning a new language or understanding your family history better through travel research. Small boutique hotels allow guests to immerse themselves in unique cultural experiences that larger properties simply cannot match.

3. Unique atmosphere

Smaller hotels tend to be more flexible with their layouts and design because they don’t have to abide by the same standards as larger chains. This means that, unlike a business hotel in Mauritius, each boutique hotel is able to create its own unique vibe that matches its location and theme perfectly. From modern art installations to over-the-top chandeliers, these charming accommodations will make you feel like you’ve stepped into a fairy tale!

4. Local charm

Small boutique hotels often provide guests with an insider’s view of the area they’re visiting, which means you’ll get to experience all of the best parts of your destination without any of the tourist traps. Guests will enjoy an intimate connection with local vendors and businesses, whether it’s a meal at a local restaurant or buying souvenirs from an independent retailer.

Small boutique hotels in Mauritius

5. High-end amenities

Despite their small size, boutique hotels often offer high-end amenities and luxury touches. From spa services to gourmet dining options, these hotels provide a level of comfort and luxury that can rival larger chain hotels.

6. Competitive pricing:

Contrary to popular belief, small boutique hotels can be just as affordable as larger chain hotels. In fact, some may even offer more competitive pricing, as they don’t have the same overhead costs as larger hotels. This means that travellers can enjoy all of the benefits of a boutique hotel experience without breaking the bank.


Small boutique hotels in Mauritius are gaining popularity in the travel industry for good reason. So, if you’re looking for a more intimate and authentic travel experience, consider booking a stay at a small boutique hotel instead of a larger chain or business hotel. You won’t regret it!